6th Class Mr Gallagher

Hi Sixth Class!

We hope you are safe and well! We are recommending 6th class complete about 3 hours of work each day and make sure you take breaks throughout. Try your very best to do as much as you can!!



1.Be sure to read a book for 20 minutes each day and pick out 10 difficult words.


2.Dictionary work: Each day -find in your dictionary (online if you wish  – https://www.collinsdictionary.com/) the 10 difficult words that you picked out and write out the definition along with your own sentence for the word. 


3.Watch News2day every day and write down 4 headlines each day! It is on at 4.20pm daily and can be found on the RTE player.


4.Do one piece of free writing (1 Page) each day. 


Some ideas for free writing are: 


1.A helpful person I met       9. Games I play with friends

2. A great treehouse            10. Games we play during yard time

3. A cozy sport at home       11. Good things in my neighbourhood

4.A great place to go            12. How to make my favourite meal/dessert

5.A great day with a friend   13. How to make friends

6.A very adventurous day     14. I like winter because….

7.A day in the desert            15. I like Summer because

8.A day at the beach.           16. I like to make…………




1. Duolingo – 30 minutes per day. Make sure to log on to your Duolingo account on a daily basis and continue the great work you have been doing!

2. Culra4  – 30 minutes per day. Watch 1 program per day! They are not long! We will be asking you questions on them! 

Day 1: Thomas Edison’s secret Lab

Day 2: Spongebob Squarepants

Day 3: Mo Shaol Do Shaol

Day 4: CLUB

Day 5: Adventure Time

Day 6 Clarance

Day 7: Don all Dana

Day 8: Harry Beats




·         Log on to Mathletics daily. Your teacher may have allocated you tasks to complete but if not think about some areas you think you would benefit from practising. Try the play feature, here you can compete against others and make your way onto the country’s leader board.

·         This is the perfect opportunity to ensure that you have a really good knowledge of your tables. Multiplication and division especially. Write them out, practise saying them. Get somebody to test you on them. Make it into a game and compete against somebody else at home.

·         Time is always an area that people have difficulty with. Use this opportunity to practise telling the time both off of digital clocks and clocks with a face.




As we are looking at Australia this month so you need to try and do the following:


log on to Worldbookonline.com and compare Australia to Ireland and other countries


Day 1 and 2: Read and Learn the Quick facts – write the facts down.

Day 3 and 4: Look at the related photos and draw them out

Day 5 and 6: View article – read this and write a report (1 page) about Australia under these headings:

  • Land 
  • Resources and Products
  • People
  • History

Day 7 and 8: Create a detailed, imaginative poster on all that you have learned on Australia.





Log on to the Twinkl.ie website. It is free for the month. Irish Famine on twinkl

Day 1 and 2: Research about: Blight and write 50 words about it.

Day 3 and 4: Research about: Coffin ships and write 50 words about them.

Day 5 and 6: Research Emigration during the Irish famine and write 50 words about this.

Day 7 and 8: Research about Relief works during the famine and write 50 words on this.




 Over the next 2 weeks -Look up 2 songs that you really like and write out the lyrics to the song – learn it and create a dance to go with the song! You can then perform it for the class if you like! You can choose the same song as your classmates if you like!



Keep fit and active over the next 2 weeks!

Day 1 and Day 2.  Practise your soccer footwork for 30 minutes on each day.  For ideas go to (Best Soccer Skills For 8 to 10 Year Olds – Soccer Drills For Beginners)

Day 3 and Day 4. Practise your GAA solo skills for 30 minutes on each day. For ideas go to GAA FunDo Coaching U10 Solo

Day 5 and Day 6. Pracise and improve your basketball skills for 30 minutes each day. Practise throwing, dribbling and shooting if you can! 

Day 7 and Day 8: Practise and enjoy dancing.  ( Youtube: Zumba kids – Electronic song – Minions) and Youtube: Can’t stop the feeliing – music express choreography)

 Other great PE ideas are on https://www.gonoodle.com/


Day 1 and 2: Sketch and colour a scene of a school or our school!


Day 3 and 4: Sketch a scene of you and your family on a day out.


Day 5 and 6: Sketch a scene of a sporting or music event!




Over the next 2 weeks I would like you to make up a little drama! It can be comedy, Action or drama! 

Try to make it 2 pages long and have at least 4 characters!

For ideas:


Simple Fun: PLAYWRITING! with Mark Hopkins

·         2 important things that you need for your Confirmation is your Sponsor and your Confirmation name. This is a perfect chance to speak to your parents about both of these. When picking a name you should try to think of somebody who inspires you, traditionally a Saint’s name is chosen, maybe do some research into different saints and why they were appointed saints or somebody in your life who has helped you, inspired you, or somebody you look up to. If you have chosen a name write out a page on why you have picked that name and what it means to you. Also speak to your parents about who your sponsor will be, again this is somebody in your life who has been a positive influence, has inspired you and who will be there to support and encourage you. Perhaps you could write them a letter asking them to be your sponsor and explaining why you have chosen them
With Confirmation coming up it is important to practice and learn these prayers!
Day 1: Penitential Act
Day 2: Gloria
Day 3: Sanctus
Day 4: Preparation for Communion
Day 5: Breaking of the bread.
Day 6: Offering of Peace
Day 7 and 8: Revision of prayers learned.
Prayers to Learn: Prayers to learn (1)