Hi all,
Hope you are all minding yourself and keeping busy. I’ve set out some work below that will keep you going for the next while. Try to keep your day as structured as you can, it will make it easier to get your work done and keep you on track for when we get back to school! I suggest at least 3 hours work a day – in school we do more so I know you are well able. I’ve put a suggestion of times to keep you on track beside each subject. Remember these are only suggestions and not compulsory but try as best you can.
Maths: (60 minutes)
Keep working on Mathletics – I will be assigning you work so make sure to keep checking in. The topics I want you to look at: Directed numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages. You’re free to revise as many topics as you like that we have already covered. www.mathletics.com
This is the perfect time to ensure you know all your tables. I know how much you all love hit the button in class so get on it and challenge yourself – see how many you can get in a minute. Topmarks Mathgames
English: (60 minutes)
Every day keep a Diary entry. Remember to give as much detail as you can – think Anne Frank. I will look forward to reading them all when we return.
Your spellings – you have the next two weeks with you. Write a sentence for 4 each day.
Read at home – do one page a day for the school days we are off.
Reading – read as much and as often as you can. If you finish a book do a small book review, include what it was about and if you would recommend it.
History: (30 minutes of either History or Geography)
We were looking at the Renaissance – do some more research on this. Everyone to come in with some interesting facts they’ve discovered about this time. Look at the artists we discussed from this time Michael Angelo and Leonardo Da Vinci – what did they paint? Why are they still remembered now?
Next we will be moving on to The Industrial Revolution – see what facts you can find out on this time in History. Write down a few interesting points you discover and we will discuss when we get back to school.
Caring for our environment – Write out different ways you think we can care for our environment. They can be things we already do or things you think we should be doing to help the environment.
Gaeilge: (30 Minutes)
Ceartlitriú – Lch 63 – 65. Go back through the book and complete any pages you have not yet done but don’t go past pg 65.
www.duolingo.com is a great website that will help you with your Irish. Log on and try do at least 30 minutes a day.
Get at least 30 minutes exercise a day. This can be anything you like. Go for a walk or run, bounce on a trampoline if you have one, practice your ball skills you have been learning in school. The most important thing is to get up and get active. If you can do this in fresh air it’s even better. If not you can do some workouts using gonoodle! https://family.gonoodle.com/
Most importantly have fun and stay safe.
Can’t wait to see you all really soon.
Ms O’Kelly