5th Class Ms E Murphy

**Please note that all of the activities listed are 100% optional over the next two weeks! No one will be in trouble for not completing work or will they have to show me work when we return to school. However, I would recommend spending 3 hours a day doing various learning activities.

I know there may seem to be a lot of activities listed but it is something to keep the children occupied and busy for the next two weeks! Again, I would like to stress that these activities are 100% optional.

English (60 minutes):

A minimum of 1 hour English per day. The children have been sent home with their free-writing copies and have been asked to keep a diary entry of their day-to-day activities while off school. A page of their copy per day would be more than enough!

I would recommend the children watching News2Day each day, it is broadcast on RTE2 at 4:20 pm everyday Monday-Friday. The children should take notes of any important issues that are risen in the news bulletin. News2Day can be found at the following link if you miss the broadcast on TV News2day. 

Twinkl have plenty of resources available for diary entries if you wish to have a look. Twinkl are offering a one-month free trial for parents during this time. It is an excellent website and I would highly recommend using this time to explore the website www.twinkl.ie

If the children have brought home their handwriting books I would like them to complete two pages per week also.  The children have also been given their next two weeks of spellings so maybe ask them to put each of their daily spellings into sentences. Keep it as structured as possible, the same as we would in school i.e do Mondays spellings on Monday, Tuesdays on Tuesday etc.

Reading; Read as much and as often as you can and do a small book review on the book or books the children have read. 


Irish (30 minutes)

As the children have left their Ceartlitriú in school, I would like them to take this time to use their Duolingo login to practice their Irish as much as possible. Duolingo log in details should be found in each child’s homework journal. Please encourage your child to use Irish as much as possible in the home during these few weeks. www.duolingo.com 

Maths (60 minutes):

As you may have heard by now, our school is trialling Mathletics. This is a brilliant online resource for Maths. As 5th class is divided into different Maths groups I have assigned work for my maths group only and each teacher will assign work for their own maths groups. I would recommend to continue through work on Mathletics during this time. 

I would like the children to practice ALL of their times tables, covering two times tables a day by writing them out and revising them all! I know how much you enjoy playing “Hit the Button” in class so play this and challenge yourself each day. 


History: (30 minutes of either History or Geography) 

We were looking at the Renaissance – do some more research on this.  Everyone to come in with some interesting facts they’ve discovered about this time.  Look at the artists we discussed from this time Michael Angelo and Leonardo Da Vinci – what did they paint? Why are they still remembered now? 

Next we will be moving on to The Industrial Revolution – see what facts you can find out on this time in History.  Write down a few interesting points you discover and we will discuss when we get back to school. 


Caring for our environment – Write out different ways you think we can care for our environment.  They can be things we already do or things you think we should be doing to help the environment. 

Again, Twinkl would be an excellent resource to use for these subjects www.twinkl.ie 


Get at least 30 minutes exercise a day.  This can be anything you like. Go for a walk or run, bounce on a trampoline if you have one, practice your ball skills you have been learning in school.  The most important thing is to get up and get active. If you can do this in fresh air it’s even better. If not you can do some workouts using gonoodle! https://family.gonoodle.com/ 

There are also “Just Dance” dance activities that can be found on YouTube! 


This is just a guideline of the amount of time to spend on structured learning per day. I would like the children to do at least 3 hours of learning each day. I understand this is a very scary and uncertain time for everyone and I hope you are all keeping safe. We will get through this and bounce back to normal as soon as we can. Stay safe everyone and I cannot wait to see my class in a few weeks!
